
Navigating Romantic Relationships During COVID-19

by Annabelle Parr

One of the many challenges presented by COVID-19 is the way it has altered how we are permitted to relate to one another. Required to maintain distance between ourselves and others, we are allowed out of our homes only for essential business and errands, or to take walks or runs as long as we keep at least six feet between ourselves and those we pass. Initially this six feet rule was termed “social distancing,” but experts have proposed that we shift our terminology to “physical distancing.” While this may seem like a trivial shift, it speaks to the importance of relational connection and reminds us that we must keep a physical distance from one another, not an emotional one.

Humans are inherently social creatures; we evolved in a context that dictated that connection and cooperation with the group was vital to our survival. So what a strange situation we find ourselves in where, for our collective wellbeing, we must put physical distance between ourselves and others. Paradoxically, you may find that this new paradigm is helping you to reconnect with friends and loved ones you rarely spoke with prior, taking advantage of the technologies that allow us to see one another even when you are not in the same room, city, or even country. You may also be finding that this shift has thrown new, challenging, unprecedented and unexpected variables into your romantic relationship. Whether you are dating, in a committed relationship, or married, COVID-19 has altered our daily lives in such a way that it is bound to impact our relational lives.

Dating during coronavirus

If you were dating prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, it may feel difficult to know how to proceed. With so many options for online dating and dating apps, the dating landscape has changed dramatically over the last decade, even prior to coronavirus. However, while these apps may help you find and connect with people you wouldn’t otherwise meet, typically, the dating itself has still involved actually meeting in person. For the time being, meeting in person is not an option.

But what if you are still interested in dating, meeting new people, and pursuing connection? If it is important to you to continue dating during this time, there are options available to you if you are willing to be flexible and creative. Rather than going out on dates, you can opt for talking on the phone, setting up a video call happy hour, or even a Netflix Party to share in a favorite TV show or movie together.

It’s also important to know that there is no pressure. If meeting for the first time through your computer screen does not sound like something that is in line with your values at this moment in time, that’s okay. Give yourself permission to take a break and know that this is temporary. Tune in to what matters to you and what you need to do to take care of yourself during this time.

Relationships during coronavirus

Maybe you are already in a committed relationship. If you do not live with your partner, you may have found that suddenly it feels like you are in a long distance relationship. Depending on any number of variables (from whether you or your partner lives with others, whether their roommates are still working outside the home, etc.), you may not be able to see each other or connect using any form of physical touch right now.

If, on the other hand, you are living together or have chosen to quarantine together, you are likely now spending near 24/7 in the same space together. This can present its own set of challenges. As much as we love our partners, as relationship expert Esther Perel noted, “our need for togetherness exists alongside our need for separateness.” And it can be hard to find that separateness during shelter in place.

Marriage and/or children during coronavirus

If you are married and/or raising children with your partner, not only are you and your partner now together 24/7, but the kids are home as well. Trying to navigate working from home and homeschooling children on top of everything else presents a lot of new variables to manage as a couple and family.


Tips for tending to your relationship during coronavirus

Whether coronavirus has meant that you and your partner cannot see each other in person, or whether it means that you are now almost constantly together, connection and communication are crucial for navigating this time together. Here are some tips for maintaining a loving, balanced relationship during COVID-19:

  1. Acknowledge and have self-compassion for your emotions. Allow yourself to have your feelings. Be gentle with yourself and know that however you are feeling is okay. When we are willing to have our feelings and to be compassionate to ourselves in the midst of pain and struggle, we are able to make deliberate choices about how we communicate and behave that are in line with the type of person and partner we want to be. When we are unwilling to have our feelings, or we are unkind to ourselves, our emotions may find unhelpful ways of leaking out and may come to covertly control our reactions.

  2. Clearly state your feelings and your needs. Our partners are not mind readers, nor should they be. We are all individuals with unique feelings and needs, and we can best support each other when we are each clear about what helps us to feel safe and loved. I-statements provide a useful template for communicating your feelings and needs clearly (I feel [x] when [y], and I need [z]).

  3. Give your partner space and compassion to process and experience their emotions. Know that it’s totally normal for each of us to feel and think differently about this situation. You and your partner may have different needs, feelings, and opinions, and just as it is important that you allow yourself to have your experience, it’s important that your partner has the space to have their experience as well. In any given moment, one of you may feel anxious about all the uncertainty, while the other may feel grateful for time to slow down; one of you may want to be productive, while the other may be exhausted. One of you may want to be as informed as possible and process the information aloud, while the other may want to watch Netflix and only update as necessary.  

  4. Work together to creatively support each other. You may have different needs during all of this, and that can be hard to manage. Carve out time to meet each other’s needs and find ways to compromise. For example, those in long distance scenarios may find one partner is craving a FaceTime date, while the other wants to ditch their screens for a while having been glued to them all day while telecommuting. Plan a time for a screen date to maintain connection, and also plan out some time for a screen detox.  

  5. Stay connected with friends and family. Romantic relationships are not meant to function like islands; yet when we are stuck in the same space for weeks on end, it can start to feel like we are literally stuck on an island together. Make sure to reach out for support and connection with friends and family during this time. Having a wider net for support in times of stress is crucial.

  6. Strike a balance between connection and separation. If you are in a long distance scenario, you may be craving more connection. If you are quarantining together, you may be craving more separateness. (Though of course the reverse can be true in either scenario as well). It is important to find time to connect, share our emotions, needs, and experiences, and be together, and it is equally important to have some space to ourselves, to read or engage in personally enjoyed activities, or catch up with other loved ones. Being intentional with our time and space, and honoring our own and our partner’s need for both connection and separateness can help us to strike a balance.

  7. Laugh together. Humor can be so healing during times of stress. Finding things to laugh about together can help us bond and help defuse some of the tension we may be feeling. Whether this involves watching funny videos or shows together, playing silly games, or just finding the humor in little moments, laughter really is good medicine. It might sound hard to laugh during such a stressful time, but it’s important to seek out something that brings us a little joy and levity.

  8. Connect with gratitude. This does not mean you are not allowed to feel anxious or sad or angry or exhausted about this massive upheaval. However, pausing to mindfully appreciate small joys or victories can help shift our perspective, even if just for a moment, and can help us to weather the storm with more resilience. See if you can notice the things that you are grateful for in your partner, the little moments with them that you cherish. Try to connect with something you are grateful for each day, whether it has to do with your relationship or not.

  9. Utilize the tools available to you. We are still able to go outside, breathe in fresh air, take walks or go on a run. And thankfully we live in a time in which we have a whole host of technology available to us that allows us to stay connected in ways never before possible. None of this is an ideal situation, but don’t forget to utilize what is available to you to help create balance in your life and relationship where possible.

  10. Seek professional support. If you are experiencing stress, anxiety, trauma, or depression that is impacting your ability to function effectively in your relationship (or any other important area of your life), professional support is available. Many therapists, including Dr. Shea, are offering telehealth services to clients during shelter in place. Telehealth or teletherapy typically involves conducting sessions via a videoconferencing platform or over the phone, and studies have shown telehealth to be as effective as in person therapy. It is okay to ask for help, and help is still available to you.

Relationships can be challenging even in the best of times, and as we face this totally unprecedented global stressor, expect that it will present some new challenges to your relationship. As much as it is a time filled with stress, anxiety, and fear, this is also an opportunity to develop resilience and skills to navigate situations full of uncertainty. Rest in the knowledge that this is a period of trial and adjustment for us all, and be gentle with yourself, your partner, and all of your loved ones.

If you find yourself struggling, feeling stuck, and/or could use some help navigating your feelings, you could benefit from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness, and Telemental Health Services. Dr. Shoshana Shea can help. She can be contacted at 619-269-2377.

Why It’s Okay to Be Mad

by Annabelle Parr

Humans are wired for connection. Relationships bring us immense joy, but they can also be challenging at times. There will inevitably be moments when we miscommunicate and misunderstand each other, and this can lead to frustration and conflict where both partners feel angry and hurt.

Here’s an example.

Julie and Rob both have busy lives, children they love, and full-time jobs. Julie wants Rob to spend more time with the family. Rob wishes Julie understood the overwhelming pressure his boss puts on him. Julie never “signed up” to be a single parent; and Rob doesn’t seem to understand that she has pressures and responsibilities of her own at work. Julie, unlike Rob, makes time for the family. It is the third night in a row that Rob has called to say he won’t be home before the boys go to bed. Julie is tired and frustrated. She snaps, “You don’t have to come home at all, for all I care.” Rob feels demoralized. It seems like he can’t please anyone no matter what he does. Julie is fuming and can’t seem to make Rob understand how she feels so alone.

Both Rob and Julie’s feelings are valid, but neither one of them is feeling heard. Both of them are now feeling angry. Anger is not a bad thing; there are no “bad” emotions. However, when people get angry, conflict does have the potential to escalate.

We tend to equate anger with aggression, but anger is an emotion while aggression is a behavior.

The problem isn’t anger itself. As Tina Gilbertson notes on her blog, “anger has never hurt anyone.” Emotions, no matter how strong, cannot cause harm. Rather, it is our behavior and our emotional expression has the potential to inflict injury. So, our negative connotation towards anger is due to our lack of understanding surrounding how to express ourselves when we feel mad.

Allowing ourselves to get angry is actually healthy.

While getting aggressive is destructive, allowing ourselves to feel angry is vital. Here’s why.

1. Anger, like any emotion, is information. Ignoring anger is like ignoring your smoke alarm. Approaching the screeching alarm may be uncomfortable, but it’s a sign that something is amiss. When we ignore such a vital piece of information, we invite the underlying problem to turn into a full blown fire.

“…feelings like… anger… instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we’re holding back…They’re like messengers that show us, with terrifying clarity, exactly where we’re stuck.”
- Pema Chödrön

“Anger is the feeling that says No to opposition, injury, or injustice. It is a signal that something I value is in jeopardy.”
David Richo

2. Anger is energy that we can use to create change. We can either take this energy out on ourselves and/or others, or we can channel it into positive, constructive change. For example, rather than getting into a yelling match with a family member, you can use your angry energy as courage to set a firm, clear boundary. Or rather than ruminating on all the bad things that happen in the world, you can use your anger as motivation to get involved in volunteering for a cause close to your heart.

“We begin to use our anger as a vehicle for change when we are able to share our reactions without holding the other person responsible for causing our feelings, and without blaming ourselves for the reactions that other people have in response to our choices and actions. We are responsible for our own behavior. But we are not responsible for other peoples’ reactions, nor are they responsible for ours.”
- Harriet Lerner

3. Anger can help protect us, at least for a time. Anger helps us to draw a line between what we will accept in our lives and what we will not. It can also help us ease into pain that we may not be ready to fully experience without a protective layer - anger. Holding on to anger across our lifetime is toxic. But allowing ourselves to be angry for a time may give us the space we need to set boundaries and create room to heal.


“My dictionary defines forgiveness as a ‘letting go of resentment.’ But how do we let go if we believe our anger protects us from further injury or, in some strange way, holds a perpetrator accountable? Resentment and righteous indignation distance us from our own pain, and we need distance to survive. At least initially.”
- Daniel Gottlieb

4. No matter how hard we try to repress our anger, it will eventually find its way out at our expense. We cannot will our emotions away. They’ll simply find other outlets or ways to catch up with us. The only way to get rid of an emotion is to feel it and allow it to move through us.

“Passive anger [passive aggression] is inappropriate and not an adult way of behaving. Strongly expressed anger is called rage. Strongly held anger is called hate. Unexpressed anger is resentment. Anger can be unconsciously repressed and internalized. It then becomes depression, i.e. anger turned inward.”
 David Richo

“Let go of the battle. Breathe quietly and let it be. Let your body relax and your heart soften. Open to whatever you experience without fighting.” 
- Jack Kornfield

So next time you find yourself feeling angry, give yourself grace and permission to feel it. Because, as David Richo (1991) wisely states, “the anger has pointed to where it still hurts.”

How to Handle Anger Constructively:

  1. Pause. Take a deep breath and center yourself before trying to communicate.
  2. Acknowledge and accept what you are feeling. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt; your feelings exist for good reason. Ask yourself what exactly you are feeling – frustration, pain, fear, rejection. Get curious about what caused that feeling to arise.
  3. Have compassion for yourself.
  4. Have compassion for the other person. Give them the benefit of the doubt as well, and recognize that their feelings exist for good reason too. Get curious about their emotions and what has triggered that emotion in them.
  5. Respond rather than react. Reacting is reflexive; it’s a knee jerk reaction that occurs when someone hits one of our sore spots. Reacting is natural and happens to everyone from time to time. But how you move forward after you react is important. Notice your own reaction and then respond to it. Responding is pausing, communicating without blame, and listening from a place of compassion rather than defensiveness.

If you find yourself struggling with anger and could use some help navigating these feelings, you could benefit from Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and mindfulness. Dr. Shoshana Shea can help. She can be contacted at 619-269-2377.


Chodron, P. (1997). When things fall apart: Heart advice for hard times. Boulder, CO: Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Gottlieb, D. (2010). The wisdom of Sam: Observations on life from an uncommon child. Hay House, Inc.

Kornfield, J. (1993). A path with heart: A guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life. New York, NY: Bantam Books.

Lerner, H. (1985). The dance of anger: A woman's guide to changing the patterns of intimate relationships. New York, NY: Harper & Row Publishers. 

Richo, D. (1991). How to be an adult: A handbook on psychological and spiritual integration. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.